Fediverse search system


beta version

【built app】の検索結果


app-1  | 19:24:41 [AiOS]: [aichat]: Error By Call Gemini
app-1  | 19:24:41 [AiOS]: [aichat]: ReferenceError
app-1  | json is not defined
app-1  | ReferenceError: json is not defined
app-1  |     at default_1.genTextByGemini (file:///ai/built/modules/aichat/index.js:95:13)
app-1  |     at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:105:5)
app-1  |     at async default_1.handleAiChat (file:///ai/built/modules/aichat/index.js:366:24)
app-1  |     at async default_1.mentionHook (file:///ai/built/modules/aichat/index.js:221:24)
app-1  |     at async invokeMentionHooks (file:///ai/built/ai.js:149:23)
app-1  |     at async 藍.onReceiveMessage (file:///ai/built/ai.js:174:13)
app-1  | 19:24:41 [AiOS]: [aichat]: The result is invalid. It seems that tokens and other items need to be reviewed.
app-1  | 19:24:41 [AiOS]: >>> Sending reply to a2n15qwtago407yh
app-1  | 19:24:42 [AiOS]: API: notes/reactions/create
app-1  | 19:24:43 [AiOS]: API: notes/create


app-1  | > start
app-1  | > node ./built
app-1  | 
app-1  | file:///ai/built/index.js:8
app-1  | import pkg from '../package.json' assert { type: 'json' };
app-1  |                                   ^^^^^^
app-1  | 
app-1  | SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier 'assert'
app-1  |     at compileSourceTextModule (node:internal/modules/esm/utils:338:16)
app-1  |     at ModuleLoader.moduleStrategy (node:internal/modules/esm/translators:102:18)
app-1  |     at #translate (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:437:12)
app-1  |     at ModuleLoader.loadAndTranslate (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:484:27)
app-1  |     at async ModuleJob._link (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:115:19)
app-1  | 
app-1  | Node.js v22.12.0

@ai に呼び方を教えようとするとエラー吐く件

ai-app-1  | TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')
ai-app-1  |     at default_1.setName (file:///ai/built/modules/core/index.js:62:18)
ai-app-1  |     at default_1.mentionHook (file:///ai/built/modules/core/index.js:26:18)
ai-app-1  |     at invokeMentionHooks (file:///ai/built/ai.js:149:29)
ai-app-1  |     at 藍.onReceiveMessage (file:///ai/built/ai.js:174:19)
ai-app-1  |     at SharedConnection.<anonymous> (file:///ai/built/ai.js:87:22)
ai-app-1  |     at SharedConnection.emit (node:events:519:28)
ai-app-1  |     at Stream.onMessage (file:///ai/built/stream.js:84:19)
ai-app-1  |     at ReconnectingWebSocket._callEventListener (/ai/node_modules/reconnecting-websocket/dist/reconnecting-websocket-cjs.js:557:13)
ai-app-1  |     at /ai/node_modules/reconnecting-websocket/dist/reconnecting-websocket-cjs.js:176:81
ai-app-1  |     at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)