Tool:PaintBBS NEO
Paint time:1分38秒

Based on Cloudflare’s Speed Test tool, my Internet connection download speed is 685Mbps. Detailed analytics help me better understand our user experience. Try it yourself at https://speed.cloudflare.com/__preview?results=eyJkb3duU3BlZWQiOjY4NTEyMDgxMywidXBTcGVlZCI6NTk3MjQ5ODgxLCJsYXRlbmN5IjoxMCwiaml0dGVyIjoyLjE2fQ%3D%3D #speedtest #cloudflare
Snipping Tool呼び出したいわけではないのよ
git config --global merge.tool vimdiff
とset diffopt=internal,filler,algorithm:patience,indent-heuristic
・Module Snapping Toolでサンタさんが来るおうちをつくろう
なんかOVR Metrics Toolがvrshellしか値取らなくなってガチで困ってる ぶいちゃのメトリクス計測できないなら意味ないのだが
🚀 I’ve been working on my first micro SaaS: Blitzy! It’s a super simple tool to validate your SaaS ideas lightning fast ⚡️
This project was born out of some real struggles I faced:
- I wanted to work on projects outside of home without wrecking my back by carrying extra devices.
- I needed a way to create something quickly without obsessing over details.
- I wanted to get my project ideas out there faster, without staying in the shadows too long.
- I hated worrying about my site not being responsive on different devices.
- I needed a way to gather potential users and testers in one place.
- And honestly, I was tired of installing 0.5 GB of node_modules every time (at one point, they were taking up 100-200 GB on my drive!).
With Blitzy, you can create a quick landing page with a waitlist feature in just minutes—no coding needed. 🎯
And to celebrate the launch, I’m offering a 7-day free trial so you can give it a spin. Let me know what you think!
👉 blitzyapp.com
#BuildInPublic #SaaS #microsaas #NoCode #coding #programming