Fediverse search system


beta version


Based on Cloudflare’s Speed Test tool, my Internet connection download speed is 685Mbps. Detailed analytics help me better understand our user experience. Try it yourself at https://speed.cloudflare.com/__preview?results=eyJkb3duU3BlZWQiOjY4NTEyMDgxMywidXBTcGVlZCI6NTk3MjQ5ODgxLCJsYXRlbmN5IjoxMCwiaml0dGVyIjoyLjE2fQ%3D%3D

Snipping Tool呼び出したいわけではないのよ

git config --global merge.tool vimdiff
set diffopt=internal,filler,algorithm:patience,indent-heuristic


・Module Snapping Toolでサンタさんが来るおうちをつくろう

なんかOVR Metrics Toolがvrshellしか値取らなくなってガチで困ってる ぶいちゃのメトリクス計測できないなら意味ないのだが

🚀 I’ve been working on my first micro SaaS: Blitzy! It’s a super simple tool to validate your SaaS ideas lightning fast ⚡️

This project was born out of some real struggles I faced:

- I wanted to work on projects outside of home without wrecking my back by carrying extra devices.
- I needed a way to create something quickly without obsessing over details.
- I wanted to get my project ideas out there faster, without staying in the shadows too long.
- I hated worrying about my site not being responsive on different devices.
- I needed a way to gather potential users and testers in one place.
- And honestly, I was tired of installing 0.5 GB of node_modules every time (at one point, they were taking up 100-200 GB on my drive!).

With Blitzy, you can create a quick landing page with a waitlist feature in just minutes—no coding needed.

And to celebrate the launch, I’m offering a 7-day free trial so you can give it a spin. Let me know what you think!

👉 blitzyapp.com