Fediverse search system


beta version


支援を受けたいけど制度がわからねえ、って場合は地域の相談支援事業所にHELP出すとなんか教えてくれる…はず…?なのでその上で役所にいくといいのかも ピンキリだけど

@SomeUser@baise-moi.top They probably help more people find you, but admins can also search those tags to find people breaking the “no child fecking” rule

@UnCoolCanadian@cunny.beauty I wish I could help, but I’m pretty sure we’re from different countries

Can anyone here please help me get an invite code for baise-moi.top?


Based on Cloudflare’s Speed Test tool, my Internet connection download speed is 685Mbps. Detailed analytics help me better understand our user experience. Try it yourself at https://speed.cloudflare.com/__preview?results=eyJkb3duU3BlZWQiOjY4NTEyMDgxMywidXBTcGVlZCI6NTk3MjQ5ODgxLCJsYXRlbmN5IjoxMCwiaml0dGVyIjoyLjE2fQ%3D%3D


@mzp@mstdn.nere9.help やはりそうでしか。アプデ前のバージョンでブートできればよいのですが…。

@mzp@mstdn.nere9.help あらら、それは困りますね。カーネルかしら…。